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More About Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a daydream-like state. In this state, your conscious mind becomes passive and the subconscious mind dominant. Suggestions can then be introduced into the subconscious mind to facilitate change to embedded neural pathways and so in turn create change in behaviours and false belief patterns. 


The brain operates on measurable frequency cycles. These frequencies correspond to certain kinds of activity:




































When you sleep, your brain automatically cycles down from the beta range into alpha and then for brief cyclical periods into theta and delta. Most of your sleep is in alpha. Hypnosis takes advantage of this natural phenomenon - it causes the brain to cycle down into alpha without actually going to sleep. In alpha, the subconscious mind is open for suggestion.


It may surprise you to know that only 5% of our life is operated using the conscious mind and the other 95% is controlled by subconscious beliefs and habits. The conscious mind is responsible for thinking, reasoning, and putting into action the things that it already knows and does not take suggestion well. The subconscious mind, however, doesn't think or reason, it responds to what it is told and this is where the value and power of hypnosis lies. In hypnosis powerful suggestions can be delivered directly into the subconscious. The subconscious accepts these suggestions and the conscious mind then acts on this new information. 


Hypnosis then is a natural state similar to that you experience when daydreaming. You are neither awake nor asleep, you are in fact "in-between".


You are fully aware during hypnosis and in control of your actions. There is no question of you being controlled or manipulated. YOU CANNOT BE MADE TO DO ANYTHING YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO.


And finally: "Can anyone be hypnotised?" Practically everybody can be hypnotised. However, in certain cases of mental debility, hypnosis is not possible. There is only 1% of the population that cannot be hypnotised, either because of mental deficiencies or other reasons. 



This is total unconsciousness. Not much is known about the delta range.


This is usually regarded as the subconscious range. This is where daydreaming, dreaming and nearly all hypnosis takes place. Meditation is mostly in this range, although sometimes it dips into theta. 


This is the conscious mind region. This is where we do all our reasoning and conduct most of our activities whilst awake. 


This is part of the subconscious range. All of our emotional responses are recorded in theta. Some hypnosis takes place in theta.

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